high quality 300W Subwoofer power amplifier board high power amplifier integrated board home theater bass pure bass  board ► Photo 1/1

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high quality 300W Subwoofer power amplifier board high power amplifier integrated board home theater bass pure bass board

Alitools rating:
Aliexpress rating:
8 495.37 $
2   reviews
Rating: 3

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Customer Reviews

August 12, 2020

Perfect buying everything test the board ok, my woofer 400w burn out after blast the devil..new board 300W maintain the feel...thank you good product

January 22, 2019

It says in the product name that this is a 300watt amplifyer, but it appears to be a 200watt instead. Wrong description or did i get the wrong product?

Rediculous. Amplifier on the back says clearly it is a 200 watt instead of 300 watt. Insent you the picture of the backplate where it is clearly visible.