Jinhao X450 Fountain pen Nib Universal other Pen You can use all the  series student stationery Supplies ► Фото 1/6
Jinhao X450 Fountain pen Nib Universal other Pen You can use all the  series student stationery Supplies ► Фото 1/6
Jinhao X450 Fountain pen Nib Universal other Pen You can use all the  series student stationery Supplies ► Фото 2/6
Jinhao X450 Fountain pen Nib Universal other Pen You can use all the  series student stationery Supplies ► Фото 3/6

Фотографии покупателей


  • Название бренда: you ping
  • Номер модели: X450
  • package: No
  • Pen nib material: Golden
  • Nib type: standard
  • Special Purpose: Accessories
  • Nib thickness: 0.7mm
  • Size: 35mm*6mm
  • Quantity: 1pcs

Jinhao X450 Fountain pen Nib Universal other Pen You can use all the series student stationery Supplies

Рейтинг Alitools:
Рейтинг Aliexpress:
5.51 $
8   заказов
1   отзывов
Рейтинг: 5

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