Youpin Yijie Broom Dustpan Combination Sweeper Desktop Sweep Mop Small Cleaning Brush Tools Cleaning Tools For Home ► Photo 1/6
Youpin Yijie Broom Dustpan Combination Sweeper Desktop Sweep Mop Small Cleaning Brush Tools Cleaning Tools For Home ► Photo 1/6
Youpin Yijie Broom Dustpan Combination Sweeper Desktop Sweep Mop Small Cleaning Brush Tools Cleaning Tools For Home ► Photo 2/6
Youpin Yijie Broom Dustpan Combination Sweeper Desktop Sweep Mop Small Cleaning Brush Tools Cleaning Tools For Home ► Photo 3/6

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Youpin Yijie Broom Dustpan Combination Sweeper Desktop Sweep Mop Small Cleaning Brush Tools Cleaning Tools For Home

Alitools rating:
Aliexpress rating:
15.73 $
15   orders
5   reviews
Rating: 5

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Customer Reviews

July 27, 2019

One of the worst sellers I’ve encountered on AliExpress. Everything seemed fine at first, the item had “shipped” then three weeks later it updated to shipping canceled. I contacted the seller who claimed that it was “too big to ship” & that the “shipping company wouldn’t pick up the item”. After telling the seller that I’ve bought may massive items from AliExpress before and never had an issue he told me he would ship it again and gave me a new tracking number. Two weeks later when no update had happened on the tracking I contacted the seller once again, who tried to give me the same story as before. The item is too big to ship. If that’s the case why is he selling the item in the first place. I believe this is some sort of scam, I wouldn’t trust this seller. Please buy from another store!

July 26, 2019

One of the worst sellers I’ve encountered on AliExpress. Everything seemed fine at first, the item had “shipped” then three weeks later it updated to shipping canceled. I contacted the seller who claimed that it was “too big to ship” & that the “shipping company wouldn’t pick up the item”. After telling the seller that I’ve bought may massive items from AliExpress before and never had an issue he told me he would ship it again and gave me a new tracking number. Two weeks later when no update had happened on the tracking I contacted the seller once again, who tried to give me the same story as before. The item is too big to ship. If that’s the case why is he selling the item in the first place. I believe this is some sort of scam, I wouldn’t trust this seller. Please buy from another store!