the product came in very bad condition. it was not packed properly for an international trip, in a sturdy box. because of that, the gain button came defective. there's no point in touching it, because nothing happens. the problem is that i cannot return the product because i depend on it to work daily. it still works, but in a much lower quality because it came BROKEN. I am very sad. I would really like a new product, as I feel that I paid a high price for something broken.
the product came in very bad condition. it was not packed properly for an international trip, in a sturdy box. because of that, the gain button came defective. there's no point in touching it, because nothing happens. the problem is that i cannot return the product because i depend on it to work daily. it still works, but in a much lower quality because it came BROKEN. I am very sad. I would really like a new product, as I feel that I paid a high price for something broken.