This seller is a SCAMMER they have 3 different aliexpress accounts selling the same items. They gave me a fake tracking number and said the item was shipped, after many days they then ship fake rubbish in FedEx package which was not the CNC spindle I bought for £281. These scammers have scammed a lot of people before me. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SHOP THEY ARE SCAMMERS. THEY WILL GIVE YOU FAKE TRACKING NUMBER THEN SEND FAKE ITEMS. BIG SCAMMERS. THEY ARE HONG KONG SCAMMERS.
This seller is a SCAMMER they have 3 different aliexpress accounts selling the same items. They gave me a fake tracking number and said the item was shipped, after many days they then ship fake rubbish in FedEx package which was not the CNC spindle I bought for £281. These scammers have scammed a lot of people before me. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SHOP THEY ARE SCAMMERS. THEY WILL GIVE YOU FAKE TRACKING NUMBER THEN SEND FAKE ITEMS. BIG SCAMMERS. THEY ARE HONG KONG SCAMMERS.