the wiring from the battery is just long enough to reach the handlebars. but to be tucked up under the frame as they should be they're too short. I will have to add about a foot to them all but the pedal assist wire. also had to have the bicycle shop work on the sprockets on rear tire had to do some spacing to make them work. other than that looks like a good value for the money and I think I will enjoy this trike. your communication has been awesome thank you for getting me display manual and instruction manual on putting this together.
the wiring from the battery is just long enough to reach the handlebars. but to be tucked up under the frame as they should be they're too short. I will have to add about a foot to them all but the pedal assist wire. also had to have the bicycle shop work on the sprockets on rear tire had to do some spacing to make them work. other than that looks like a good value for the money and I think I will enjoy this trike. your communication has been awesome thank you for getting me display manual and instruction manual on putting this together.