I ordered the goods from Czech Republic but due to racking info, the parcel is shipped out from China. I purchased the goods in 2020-12-20 but according to tracking info the parcel is shipped out earlier, in 2020-12-17. The seller tried to cheat me by providing a wrong tracking number. In private message the seller confirmed that order is sent to a wrong place. Also he agreed to refund but he asks me to close the dispute first. It means, he "wanted" to refund outside the AliExpress, in fact, he wanted to make me to close the dispute and keep my money. Refunded after interference of AliExpress Case Management team. Never buy from this seller!
I well receive the guitare this morning I change all the strings for Ernie Balls one as soon as i received it Difficult to remove the old strings set ?! Not a great quality but it is ok whith new strings set. The small amplifier is funny and works I paid 39€ more Custom fees from China To France However i play one hour with it today and it is an easy use.