I recived the case, black one, in excellent condition. It took a week longer to deliver but not an issue because it is perfect. I have to give credit to the seller for the packing the case in multiple styrofome and regular foam levels. Kudos. All in all excellent case, glass in the front and the back, metal is around. Camera is fully covered with metal and glass. Magnet is very good, but don't drop it from 2 meters or more, it is for normal users... Like when you drop your phone from the pocket, then you are completly safe. It fits like a glove, no empty spaces and my phone works normal like always (touch screen, signal, camera- all fine and dandy).
Well made and protected, can't use fingerprint underscreen on P40 pro the only downside there are plenty of other methods of unlock but it's logical, can plug charger well, I feel the phone is well protected, just remember to put the side with buttons first to have the externals buttons of the case well adjusted. Near perfect.
No gap, the case is closing well, you need to put the buttons side of your phone first if you want being well closed, like I told before, it's really good for the price and protect your phone and lenses and from dust, the pictures are taken with case on between a mi10t and a P40 pro. The package was really well protected (can see protection below phones in the first picture) , I think the seller being serious and upgrading with customers review thanks a lot.