Very good knife for the money invested. Fully matches the description and images on the seller's website. The seller sent the product immediately and it arrived before the expected time. It's worth having a knife like this in the kitchen. I recommend the seller and the product.
Very good product for your money. Sharp and well made. For knife enthusiasts, if you do the paper test, It will pass but there are small jagged edges. It's not something a person will pay attention to who wants this purely for use in the kitchen. It is sharp. We who love to sharpen knives will notice the difference. It was machine sharpened. Nothing wrong with it, it's just we are a bit over the top when we look at sharpness of knives. Good product and definitely, value for money. I will use it not only for fish but for cutting veges as well. Thx to the seller: YangDong LSharp Industry & Trade Co.,Ltd. Good service and a good product. Will definitely buy from you again. I am not easily pleased but this is good.