Item was delivered as described. Not as good as the Arduboy, but for the price it is a very good budget alternative
OK for the price. But would not recommend this ... * functional but cheaply made; Very clicky plasticky buttons, double-sided tape(?) under display is peeling off, reset switch bends easily in transport, deprecated mini-usb connector, etc. * Uploading new code is a big issue for me unfortunately: Not working as I would expect; Only using old version of 'uname Arduloader' under Windows am I able to upload a hex binary (and only in the 5 or so seconds right after a reset), and only works sometimes. Uploading via Arduino IDE, different Arduloader versions or avrdude under Linux (my preferred dev platform) does NOT work (board disconnects before upload completes). * Seller support was communicative but did not go further than pointing me to Keyestudio's basic wiki instructions and would not confirm this was unexpected behaviour For gaming: Get a proper Arduboy (recently dropped in price) For development: Use the emulator, or real Arduboy (has safe mode bootloader etc-).