The shopping experience I have had with this seller can be rated "wonderful". All the doubts I had were answered quickly and courteously. He advised me accurately and had great patience. As for the jacket, it is exactly the same as the one in the video and photos of the store (something that has not happened to me with other sellers who have tried to change the purchase by putting a product of very inferior quality and even design). The measurements of the jacket correspond to those stated in the table in the store. The leather is quite thick, just the way I wanted it. The jacket is perfectly finished and sewn. In short, it has been a good purchase. De "maravillosa" se puede calificar la experiencia de compra que he tenido con este vendedor. Todas las dudas que tuve me las respondió rapida y cortesmente. Me asesoró con precision y tuvo una gran paciencia. En cuanto a la chaqueta, es exactamente igual a la del video y fotos de la tienda (cosa que no me ha ocurrido con otros vende