Arrived VERY quickly, seller is responsive to messages. Very good packaging, with padding and bubble-wrap so everything arrived as it should. Item as described, works and seems good quality. The accessories are ok - the solder wick I've got is .75m not 1.5m as on photo but it's ok, the tweezers are nice - sturdy and they say ESD... Fan cable is 90cm long, the fan blower is 24VDC. When fan is put onto the cradle it automatically cools it to 100C with max fan blower power and only then it goes to sleep, so its safe to use. Should return fan to the cradle and wait for it to go to sleep before shutting down the power completely, otherwise there will be a very hot fan unit which could get dangerous. On the inside there is no transformer and the power is handled via PWM. The electronics look very clean, there is proper radiator in place. Will be recommending to friends. Thanks
SET 4 주문 포장은 튼튼하고 배송도 빠릅니다. 물품은 빠짐없이 왔습니다. 테스트 해보니 작동 합니다. 하지만 납이 너무 헐렁하게 감겨있고 양이 적습니다. 전반적인 가성비는 좋습니다. SET 4 order The packaging is sturdy and delivery is fast. All the goods came. I tested it and it works. However, the lead is too loose and the amount is low. The overall cost performance is good.