Item is not working but seller promised to replace it with another one. If will be so, I will leave feedback later.
Good device. Good probes. Arrived with batteries. Voltage measure error 2% at 220V. Short current is 1mA at all modes. So it is safe for people. High voltage is stable and strong. 5kV spark length is around 1.5-2 mm. High voltage stabilize in 2-3 seconds after tuning on and zeroing in 1-2s with 10Mom load. Used voltage at 8-19% lower, than selected. Resistance measurement error is 3-11%. Backlight tuns off fast. The device consumes 17mA when display something. 57mA when generates 5kV with open probes. 408 mA when probes was shorted and backlight was tuned on. The device works correctly while batteries voltage in range 7.1-9V. It shows wrong when batteries voltage is lower than 7.1 V. Battery icon is appeared at 6.7V. So the device can show wrong before shows battery icon. Internals looks good and robust. Arrived really fast from local warehouse.