good packaging, still need to test it.
I can't say I'm happy. The device will deliver the rated currents and voltages. But the ripple voltage is unacceptably high and it might be a bad idea to use this to supply power to sensitive electronics. Ripple voltages are between 150 to 180 mVrms and 1200 to 1300 mVpp whether it is lightly or heavily loaded (or in between). Especially those peak-to-peak values are not good. I only had one of these, it's possible I got a poor one, no way to tell. The DSLRKIT Gigabit Active PoE Splitter Power Over Ethernet 48V to 12V 1A-2A 10/100/1000Mbps (product 32819496599) from this seller can't deliver as much power, but it performs very well otherwise, I'd recommend that instead.
The device is galvanically isolated as advertised. I forgot to mention this important point.