M y order was never shipped. After purchasing the coat in Camel color, the seller contacted me indicating they ran out of the sale items that were "low quality" although the sale had just begun. He said that if I paid a HIGHER PRICE, I could get the coat or I could choose one of the other styles. That was not to my satisfaction so I told him to cancel. Later, I received notice that my coat was shipped. I asked the seller if this was so but he said they did NOT ship. Because it was entered that they shipped it and Instead of refunding my money promptly like most sellers, he told me to dispute it, but due to the falsely reported “shipment” , I had to wait 10 days just to be able to dispute! Eventually I received a refund. It was so upsetting. This was a luxury item for me. The color & style was important, so blue or dark chocolate fur coats, as offered , were not comparable. It was insulting because they had over 850 in-stock, but they were too nice to fulfill orders during the sale.
M y order was never shipped. After purchasing the coat in Camel color, the seller contacted me indicating they ran out of the sale items that were "low quality" although the sale had just begun. He said that if I paid a HIGHER PRICE, I could get the coat or I could choose one of the other styles. That was not to my satisfaction so I told him to cancel. Later, I received notice that my coat was shipped. I asked the seller if this was so but he said they did NOT ship. Because it was entered that they shipped it and Instead of refunding my money promptly like most sellers, he told me to dispute it, but due to the falsely reported “shipment” , I had to wait 10 days just to be able to dispute! Eventually I received a refund. It was so upsetting. This was a luxury item for me. The color & style was important, so blue or dark chocolate fur coats, as offered , were not comparable. It was insulting because they had over 850 in-stock, but they were too nice to fulfill orders during the sale.