I just received my order today. Seller has shipped pretty quick, however there was some issues/delay on the courier part but all good now. I want to say that I am happy with my purchase. Coat was as described by seller. I was a bit reluctant on the sheep wool part but after doing some research on youtube + personal testing, I think it's safe to say it was indeed real sheep wools as seller has advertised. Size-wised: I would say it was how I would like it to be, a bit oversized but perfect with a sweater or cardigan underneath. Other: The color was slightly different compared to how I saw through the screen and in person. I would test the Coat soon to see how it would be under cold weather and hope it would keep me warm! Also the coat was a bit wrinkly but hopefully it would go away soon... Overall, it was a really nice and cute looking coat. Totally recommended.
The fur coat went for about a month. Already changed many things, because there were no reviews. When came, then a piece of wool from the pocket put to check whether there is wool, wool is, in what ratio do not know. On the Street v-9c warm jacket already walked in it, warm, but the sleeves are short for someone. I took L 44-46, normally. The dimension table corresponds. I'm happy. with the seller did not communicate, sent for 3 seems a day or 2.