Look at the message carefully after ordering. I will ask the brand of the car that I want by message. If you don't answer at that time, the hard work begins. The seller's response was terrible. He doesn't answer immediately and doesn't read it for several days, and even though he clearly wrote it above, he keeps asking and only talks about himself. I received a product that the seller set up the car brand at his own discretion. When asked about my situation and the brand I wanted, the answer within a few days was to look at the contents of the product page and follow the video. The video is a video of a person who receives a normal product signing up and starting. It didn't help at all. The seller read the message I posted in a few days, and asked me again what brand I wanted, so I just finished it. It was really angry and a mess.
it does not work on my w212 mercedes benz. there are not many things to do even i upgrades the scanner.