The shipment was received very quickly, but in the same the sheet with the description of the circuit was missing and in its place there was another sheet with the description of another different circuit. The AT89C2051 microprocessor is announced, but in its place they send another one of unknown brand, which I hope is equivalent. I ask the seller for the missing specification sheet and they indicate that they do not have it and that they can not give me any information about the circuit.
The shipment was received very quickly, but in the same the sheet with the description of the circuit was missing and in its place there was another sheet with the description of another different circuit. The AT89C2051 microprocessor is announced, but in its place they send another one of unknown brand, which I hope is equivalent. I ask the seller for the missing specification sheet and they indicate that they do not have it and that they can not give me any information about the circuit.