All OK
Description and details could have been better. Obviously people who sell it don't have a clue about the functioning of the device, When I received it it was in "JOG" mode. What I was looking for was strictly a "TOGGLE" or on off mode. So visited the product page again. The process described did not make sense. So I opened the cover to check and what did I find? A 3 pin header & a jumper not shorting any pair of pins. There were 3 possibilities. I tried them one by one and found it worked the way I wanted it in one position. In the attached photo you see L-S1-T above the learn button. No jumper = JOG (as it was delivered). L-S1 Jumper = Latch. Releases only when 12 V power is lost. T-S1 = Toggle. That is how I wanted it as it appears in the photo. Every press of the button changes the relay's state. Still trying to learn how to take photos in macro mode.