The product arrived without the protecting screen "film" and looked second hand. When I announced the seller he wrote me that the film was removed so his engineer could control the item. This is the most ridiculous excuse he could give. The finishing of the body of the tablet was 75% ssatisfacatory. I charged the battery 3 times for 24h but the battery drained after 30 minutes with only 50% luminosity so or it was not a 6000 mAm battery as in the specs or the battery had a problems. After opening a dispute the seller told me that he would refund only if he would see for himself that the battery was not good. Why didn't he check the battery before sending the item? This prooves that no QC was made so no engineer looked at the item and the product was bad. I prefered to sell it in my coutry to another buyer and loose 95 USD than to risk with a seller that sent me a product second hand and not cobtrolled for the quality of the battery. I dont recomend the product to nobody or seller