We are not a store and do not sell products listed on alitools.io. You can always purchase all the products you are interested in on AliExpress.com by clicking the link on the page of the product.
We are a completely independent company from Poland. None of the affiliates of Alibaba Group Holding Limited, including AliExpress, are in any way associated with Alitools. You can find out more about our company here.
Yes, we have been an AliExpress partner since 2014 and participate in the AliExpress Affiliate Program. We place AliExpress affiliate links inside our products. It is participation in the AliExpress affiliate program that allows us to develop and at the same time leave Alitools free for users.
Tens of thousands of products are added to AliExpress every day. And the price changes for millions of goods. We strive to update the price for each of the goods as quickly as possible, but this is not always possible. Sometimes you may come across a new product for which we did not have time to collect price data. If you come across such a product, then try refreshing the page. If this does not help, then please write to us. We will promptly add information about the price of this product.
You can always find out if the price of a product is overpriced or, on the contrary, is it the lowest price for this product in the last 6 months. If you do not want to check the price of the goods yourself every day, then you can count on us. Add the item to tracked items in the Alitools browser extension or the Alitools mobile app. Alitools will constantly check the product you have added and, as soon as the price of the product falls, it will notify you and you will be able to buy the desired product at the desired price.
Before every purchase on AliExpress, we strongly recommend that you check the price history of the item and the seller rating of that item. Thanks to the Price History function, you can be sure if the discount is real or fake. Reliable sellers always give a real discount during a sale and do not practice excessive price manipulation. Thanks to the "Seller Rating" feature, you will be able to understand whether it is worth buying from a particular seller. Sellers with low ratings may not ship out on time, send the wrong product, or not ship at all.
Seller rating is a number that shows how much a seller can be trusted. Alitools constantly collects a large number of indicators about sellers: for example, the number of positive and negative customer reviews, the number of sales, the quality and speed of customer feedback, the quality and time of sending parcels, etc. Next, Alitools analyzes all the collected indicators and draws a conclusion in the form of one prime number. Seller rating is measured from 0 (very bad seller) to 100 (perfect seller). Learn more about seller rating and why you need it here.