The Zency Company makes a Quality Genuine Leather product. I have ordered several handbags from them over the years in many different colors and styles and each handbag is Quality Genuine Leather that smells like Genuine Leather with no harsh chemical odors, the stitch-work is top notch, the linings are thick, quality materials, and the handbags are truly Quality Made products. Zency, in my opinion, is probably the finest handbag manufacturer in China. As long their prices remain reasonable, and their quality remains top notch, I will continue to order from Zency. Cream colored genuine leather back-pack style handbag is very spacious inside, has several inner compartments to organize smaller items, the leather is soft and smells good, the inner lining is thick. The front zipper pocket is large enough for a cell phone which it makes it easy to quickly grab my phone. The back zipper pocket is perfect for my pen and a small pad of paper. I rate the bag a 10+. Youthful style!
The Zency Company makes a Quality Genuine Leather product. I have ordered several handbags from them over the years in many different colors and styles and each handbag is Quality Genuine Leather that smells like Genuine Leather with no harsh chemical odors, the stitch-work is top notch, the linings are thick, quality materials, and the handbags are truly Quality Made products. Zency, in my opinion, is probably the finest handbag manufacturer in China. As long their prices remain reasonable, and their quality remains top notch, I will continue to order from Zency. Cream colored genuine leather back-pack style handbag is very spacious inside, has several inner compartments to organize smaller items, the leather is soft and smells good, the inner lining is thick. The front zipper pocket is large enough for a cell phone which it makes it easy to quickly grab my phone. The back zipper pocket is perfect for my pen and a small pad of paper. I rate the bag a 10+. Youthful style!