Good quality product and reliable seller.
I always really doubted audiophile’s monocrystal wire and probably would never buy it myself. But my wife asked me what I want as a little gift and within the budget I chose the wire. I use Topping DX3Pro DAC in DSD512 mode. And KZ-ZS10pro earplugs. I expected 5-10 percent improvement. I was wrong. It is 200 percent. The scene now is the size of Solar system. At yet all the sound is really close to you, you are the part of the music, not a listener. I thought it’s self-suggestion and plugged back my stock KZ wire several times. It was like the sound got strangled no matter the volume (I tried to set it louder to compensate for higher resistance of a stock wire). I normally use JRiver player to reconstruct MP3 and FLAC to DSD real-time. But the magic worked the same way even for 128kbs MP3 files reconstructed with the XiSRC decoder to DSD512 file. So my old stock wire was the weak unit in my component’s set. This monocrystal really works if everything else is Hi-Res already. I recommend