Very nicely build earbuds with superb sound! Very accurate sound, with a hifi profile, bass isn't overdone. The included storage case is very practical as well, the round shape makes it easy to get the cables stored. Highly recommended in this price range.
Delivery about 12 days by NovaPoshta. At first, I started to worry because I saw the sticker The Professional Version, but I wanted the Bass Pro. But on the edges of the box, there were other stickers where The Bass Pro was already written, I hope this is The Bass Pro Version, not Standart. The sound is neutral with the presence of low frequencies, compared with the standard version, which was reviewed in the reviews about the lack of low frequencies. I like this earbuds more than Smabat ST-10s Gold.
Having listened on different devices, I realized that they still have a little bass as for the Bass Pro version, at about the Penon BS1 level, but a little brighter. Too bad they added so little bass. RW-9 and X6 have better bass.