I thank the seller. All perfect. Everything has arrived. I have tried. Everything works. Very high quality of materials. I recommend that article. And I recommend that seller. Perfect packaging.
Ordered in Australia and received in 3-weeks which is very quick compared to other Aliexpress items. I have been using it for 1 month now and been using everyday to heat my lunch because I wanted to not use Microwave due to harmful rays it emits. I leave the LID on when heating food and usually only use bottom compartment and within 30 mins my food is HOT. Seller recommends to remove lid for quick heating, but I prefer to leave mine on but open the small blue button. I wash the bowls in dishwasher afterwards. So far, I am extemely pleased with this lunch box and will surely buy more. Also happy with seller communication. Reached out to them since instructions were in Chinese but they were able to answer all my questions.