The shoes are so cheap quality...a description of all the flaws is on the pictures included in the review. When I contacted the seller about it, he tried to go blind, he said he doesn't see where the problem is. Before I placed my order, this seller was sweet and he showed me a picture of what I was supposed to get. I was so disgusted when I finally received the shoes, just to find out it was not like the picture he showed me before buying ! I insisted to be refunded, at least partially, he said ok, but he made sure to make me lose a lot of time as long as he could, purposely, before accepting my proposal in the dispute. Shortly after, he came back ant told me to put a good review for him and he also had the nerves to tell me that refund would be accepted only if I put a good review ! That seller is untrustworthy, such bad practices need to be taken very seriously by AliExpress. Buyers, save yourself the headaches and the stress. Don't give your money to that seller.
Fast delivery. I have custom request for colour and it was fulfilled and colour is as expected. Package received with a little damaged, shoes too. The size is little bigger than expected, but wearable. No smell, avegare quality.