The seller sent a note, that shipping is not available, and asked to cancel the order, marking it as "other reason". I sent an order cancellation request, marking it as "selected shipping not available", as the situation actually was. Therefore, the seller cancelled my request, marked the order as shipped, and provided a fake tracking number. Finally, had to wait until the dispute expired. With each step, the seller wasted as much time as possible, so lost a month waiting for nothing.
WARNING! DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SELLER! They send item to you as an importer, which is usually for shops buying multiple items. it should be sent as a gift. reason? Because importers have to pay tax at customs, in this case half the price of the tent. also, the tent is fake, it is of bad quality and is not waterproof, I camped in light rain and i got soaked. Seller says it's my fault and will not refund. DISGUSTING! DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SELLER! he wil reply to this saying all items pay tax in Spain. NOT TRUE! I order LOTS of items on AliExpress and NEVER pay tax. This seller is not trustworthy. You have been warned.
all, it's not 210cm in length, I'm 191 cm tall and my feet touch the inside. The quality is bad. I would have sent it back but it would have cost me money, and I'd already paid €33 in tax to receive it! The delivery took a long time, the seller kept making excuses about holidays etc. I will warn you again. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS SELLER! It's fake, cheap products that will leave you feeling very angry and frustrated. AliExpress do not care about fake products, they just care about money. I will never use AliExpress again.I have now thrown the tent in the bin as it was such bad quality.