I ordered a key with a transponder chip, but received it without one! The key contains only a board for radio buttons and an empty space for the chip. The seller waited until the time for opening a dispute expired and now does not respond. / Я заказал ключ с чипом транспондера, но получил его без него! Ключ содержит только плату для переключателей и пустое место для чипа. Продавец дождался, пока истечет время для открытия спора, и теперь не отвечает.
After successful programming of remote controls (to open/close doors - see below) I took out electronics and inserted it into body of my old original key. Unfortunately, you cannot program the chip for immobiliser in this new key by yourself if you have Ford Focus mk2. It works only for older Fords. You have to visit your Ford dealer and pay for immobiliser chip programming. How to program opening/closing doors on this new key (Ford Focus Mk2): Turn the ignition from OFF to RUN (do not start the engine) 4 times within 6 seconds. Turn the ignition OFF. The system will chime to confirm programming mode. Within 20 seconds, press any button on first keyless remote. The system will chime once to confirm programming. Within 20 seconds, press any button on second keyless remote. System will chime once to confirm programming. Turn ignition to RUN (do not start the engine) to exit programming mode.