Delivery started the same day after ordering. Delivery started and arrived at the house after the 6th day of delivery. The time from order to delivery is 5 days. The seller sent the product quickly. The packaging is packaged so that it can be safely protected from impact. The driver tool was provided as a service. The product appears to be good and not a repackaged hard disk. In the past, when a Toshiba HDD was purchased from Ironman storage, it was speculated that it was initialized and repackaged. This seller is judged to be a seller who delivers fast delivery and sells good products. This is a recommended seller.
I thought it was new, but when I checked it, it wasn't. When I checked the serial number from the manufacturer, it was not guaranteed. Probably a refurbished or removed product from the laptop. Used products are sold at a lower price. This vendor initializes the data on the disk so that it is impossible to check the state of the disk. Check the anti-static packaging as well, and the size is different. Other sellers are honestly stating their status and posting fair prices. However, the seller seems to use a technique of initializing the disk, repacking it, and then raising the price. Products that I have purchased as new that I have purchased elsewhere are also marked with a valid warranty on the manufacturer's page. However, products sold by this seller are marked as not guaranteed. The normal new one comes with a two-year warranty. Why does the seller get a price for deceiving the used, which is not under warranty, for new? The scammers should disappear from AliExpress.