the package arrived fairly quickly, about 11 days. the phone case looks solid and watertight, it comes with extra layers of foam for thin phones. You can use your phone through the cover, I am typing this with my phone inside the cover. the bracket that goes on the steering wheel also looks solid despite it being made from plastic. there is one great disadvantage, and that is the part where the cover should click on the bracket, it doesn't do that at al. I can slide it on but it is very loose, doesn't snap or something. If you glue the cover to the bracket it could work but then you would have to use the zipper to get the phone with you, what makes it impractical.
Bracket mount didn't fit the handlebar of my motorcycle. It is to small. I didn't realize that some motor handlebars have a smaller diameter. I drive a Triumph speedtriple and it has a bigger diameter i guess.