Beautiful bag - just as pictured. The seller had the bag very well packed, shipped and delivered to my country in 5 days! Then it took my country's HORRIBLE postal service a month and a half to deliver it 30km to my house. The bag is so nice that I'm afraid to use it. I don't want it to get bumped or scratched from daily use! I want it to stay perfect like it is now. One note: there is a double zipper so you can open the bag from either side or from the top. Wherever you want to put the zippers. That's great but the actual opening space to fit things through is not super big - the thickness of your hand. I definitely recommend the bag but, if you are used to stuffing a water bottle or other thicker things in, you might have problems with the opening.
Sono stupita dalla qualità del prodotto! ❤️ Cuoio spesso e robusto, l'orologio funziona davvero con pila. Comprende due cinghie per portarlo come zaino o a tracolla. Ben rivestito all'interno. È arrivato in scatola di cartone imballato accuratamente. Spedizione veloce. I am amazed by the quality of the product! ❤️ Thick and sturdy leather, the watch really works with battery. Includes two straps to carry it as a backpack or shoulder strap. Well lined inside. It arrived in a carefully packaged cardboard box. Fast Shipping.
Uso perfetto, comoda e robusta.