The goods are as described. The seller gave me an extra set of screwdriver and the handles for the wire. Unfortunately he gave me a plunge for the EU and not a USA plug. He charged for the shipping and then DHL added my duties and a delivery charge extra without a valid reason to charge me for delivery when I paid the seller the shipping cost. If your getting double charges for shipping then I don’t recommend this seller if they charge more then supposed to. A seller should not worry about if the client can pay duties before sending units. Duties has nothing to do with the seller and should not hold on to a package for the person to say I can pay my duties. If the person can but this machine that is very little in price is not going to pay a duties of over thousands for a 52.00 item. How ridiculous for a seller to ask if you can pay your duties before shipping the item.
This order was not shipped to me although I paid and waited 3 months.