It ‘s fake. And i asked because it’s not working, they are not answer clearly to handle the problem with customer.really if someone want to buy it , you must very attention about this seller, it is a fake one and when you need help, you won’t have answer or changing anything, lost your time and your money. It’s for sure . Like problem i have is the ultrason is not working, not hot not cold and have no infusion like the others ultrason . U can search on Internet how it’s working. And when i told them, 3 days for answer 1 message “i will ask “ just like this for 3 weeks. Really they are cheating. Get attention. That’s all . And when you want to send it back. You must send it back to China, cost more than 130€. More than a half machine. Even they send it from Europe. They did it for you to not send it back . So you lost 200€ easily and nothing working
Item working fine, quick delivery