23 days to arrive. A very good delivery time. Item is as seen in the picture given by the seller. It has two kind of patterns of scales on the side. One with small squares and as you go down to the belly the squares become biger. There are also curved details on the sides of the head. It's well made with strong and sharp treble hooks. It also produces noise. I like it and can't wait to try it since we have shallow water. I'll add a review asap. Thanks
I've tested it a few days ago and i must say i'm very satisfied. It is a shallow lure that moves really good, performing nervous left and right moves while retrieving with a steady rhythm. It behaves good also with twitching. It also has a good launching ability. I'm satisfied and if you're looking something for shallow waters you shoud definitely give it a try. Hopefully fish will appreciate it as much as i did. Thanks.