It is an unexpected quality than I thought. Definitely much better than formal one paired dd and ba formular things. Now I'm exepcting new cables for this model from TRN. /// 기대를 크게 안라고 샀는데 기대를 넘어선 제품이 왔습니다. 무척 당황스러운데 ... 모든 3.5mm 이어폰 있는 스마트폰들에 최적화 되어 있는 제품이라 봅니다. 이 가격에 이정도 퀄리티면 감사하죠.
Great earphones. Sound is good. As for package - it was Hard enough to eject them from package (from the Foam). Original cable is working, but as for its design and and "softness" there are much better cables (good idea for upgrade)