I'm really liking this bag! It looks great, even better in person than in the photos. The material feels quality, and it clips nicely to the bike rack. The shoulder straps are thin and very easy to tuck into the back pocket to convert to a pannier. The handles look a bit awkward, but are VERY useful! I can feel the clips a little on my back, but not much. Overall the design is quite practical for biking, while still looking like a normal casual bag. I also have a fancy $250 waterproof pannier backpack from a well-known brand, but I like this one better. It's easier to get things out of, easier to convert to a pannier, and looks more fashionable.
I'm really liking this bag! It looks great, even better in person than in the photos. The material feels quality, and it clips nicely to the bike rack. The shoulder straps are thin and very easy to tuck into the back pocket to convert to a pannier. The handles look a bit awkward, but are VERY useful! I can feel the clips a little on my back, but not much. Overall the design is quite practical for biking, while still looking like a normal casual bag. I also have a fancy $250 waterproof pannier backpack from a well-known brand, but I like this one better. It's easier to get things out of, easier to convert to a pannier, and looks more fashionable.