Very highly recommend this seller. The item was shipped immediately and arrived to Russia in just three days (though you probubly should not count on such insanely fast delivery). Russian Post took four days to deliver it to me. The backpack is very high quality, has no chemical smell, and has bright, vibrant colors. I am very happy with this purchase, but it looks like my daughter is even happier. Oh, and the backpack has a rigid orthopedic back, light-reflecting materials all around, and is very light. I contacted the seller and received an immediate response, so the communication skills are AAA+++ If all sellers were like this one, life would be easier :) Buy from this seller with confidence.
Very highly recommend this seller. The item was shipped immediately and arrived to Russia in just three days (though you probubly should not count on such insanely fast delivery). Russian Post took four days to deliver it to me. The backpack is very high quality, has no chemical smell, and has bright, vibrant colors. I am very happy with this purchase, but it looks like my daughter is even happier. Oh, and the backpack has a rigid orthopedic back, light-reflecting materials all around, and is very light. I contacted the seller and received an immediate response, so the communication skills are AAA+++ If all sellers were like this one, life would be easier :) Buy from this seller with confidence.