I thought the 5-star company, good feedbacks, etc. But be sure that the seller is far away from honesty, respect, and any business understanding. I saw in the system they send, shipment canceled after 12 days, I was the one warning them, they told me they send it the second time, but the tracking number didn't even give information regarding the parcel. Plus they told me they cannot adjust the tracking number, which is wrong, they can AE confirmed it. In general with lies, they are trying to get your money, hold in for 20 days, and when you forced you to get 20 days minus, that's all they are. So be careful while buying anything from this store! There are lots of fish in the sea, go to another shop! (if they want to deny, I can put my proof in here)
Same as in the description. No bended. Good quality. Good communication. Recommend teh Seller. Thank You!