This is NOT about this particular battery but about 3 previously ordered from the seller. Long story short. I ordered two SupStone batteries for Microsoft Surface Book, installed it and sold the laptop. Later, I ordered a battery for Surface Pro 4, which turned out to be defective: won't charge, tablet does not work without being plugged in. So I contacted the guy I sold the laptop and was told that those SupStone batteries were already replaced with another ones, because they batteries were lasting 1-2 hours and then turn off. I contacted the seller and got nothing but irrelevant stuff about how long the seller has been selling batteries. So in the end, I ended up with 3 not working batteries, and seller wanted me to receive this one too. I decided not to take chances, so I refused to receive it in the first place, and the parcel on its way back to seller. But the seller refused me to refund for this battery too. So I opened a dispute. Will see. And shipping took more 2monts.
At the first time full changed, it has 8750 mah, but on the subsequent full charges, the power keeps dropping. Now I have only used for two one and half months, and only have 70 full charge cycles, but it only has maximum 6750 mah at full charge. I believe that the life of the battery won’t last more than 200 cycles of charges, then it will be dead.