Inexpensive and of little value. The inner sponges are very poorly cut and leave a lot of space. The suction nozzle sucks air from the joints, which is why the filter then stops sucking. The pieces to connect the grille to the suction pipe are missing, those supplied are of the wrong size. Putting it into operation is dramatic, because of the air that remains inside. Finally I moved the pump over and use it with the flow reversed, so the air escapes and the filter doesn't defuse. The prevalence is low and the flow reduced, more suitable for a biological filter, but the space for other material is minimal.
Inexpensive and of little value. The inner sponges are very poorly cut and leave a lot of space. The suction nozzle sucks air from the joints, which is why the filter then stops sucking. The pieces to connect the grille to the suction pipe are missing, those supplied are of the wrong size. Putting it into operation is dramatic, because of the air that remains inside. Finally I moved the pump over and use it with the flow reversed, so the air escapes and the filter doesn't defuse. The prevalence is low and the flow reduced, more suitable for a biological filter, but the space for other material is minimal.