The acrylic is transparent on the side but frosted on top and bottom. That does not show in the photos posted by the seller. On the contrary, their images show a clean transparent acrylic. Hence my 4 stars instead of 5. However the product is great. It would have been better to be clear for my purposes but it'll hopefully do the work. I bought 2 of them. The seller sent a pair of white gloves as a gift. To be honest, those are so small that could only be used by a 10 year old child but I appreciate the effort. A microfibre for cleaning the acrylic or some L sized white gloves might have been better. Packed with care in a large enough box and in bubble wrap envelopes for safe transport. It took 10 days to reach England.
The acrylic is transparent on the side but frosted on top and bottom. That does not show in the photos posted by the seller. On the contrary, their images show a clean transparent acrylic. Hence my 4 stars instead of 5. However the product is great. It would have been better to be clear for my purposes but it'll hopefully do the work. I bought 2 of them. The seller sent a pair of white gloves as a gift. To be honest, those are so small that could only be used by a 10 year old child but I appreciate the effort. A microfibre for cleaning the acrylic or some L sized white gloves might have been better. Packed with care in a large enough box and in bubble wrap envelopes for safe transport. It took 10 days to reach England.
Sorry!!!! The frosted surface is a protection / anti scratch layer. It is so adhesive that I thought it was the way the surface was finished. Insist a little bit more and it will peel off. I wish I could change the 4 stars into 5 but, since I a can't do that, I hope people will read this additional review, as well. THE PRODUCT IS GREAT!!!