It's beautiful, the best quality electronic I have ever purchased on aliexpress. Very sturdy and heavy. I ordered it pre assembled and the quality of the assembly seems fairly good. It includes a small Allen key for the case and a standard keycap remover. Seller was quick to answer all of my questions too. My only issue was that the numbers on the numpad were in a weird order (it is a pretty non standard numpad after all) and figuring out the included software took me some time. And the default key layout flashed onto the keyboard does not include a numlock key (it is 60% after all) so you need to mess with the settings before you can even use the numpad. Still, it's great, and the software was only a small 15 minute hurdle. I'm very happy with this purchase. I also got the keycaps from this seller and they are wonderful.
I meant 75%, not 60%, but my point still stands.
Great customer service! Despite being located in China, it managed to reach me with FedEx delivery in just 2 days! Get ready to constantly wash your hands and wipe off any fingerprints because of the acrylic. Their solder service also lubed my stabilizers, and they feel great!