very good quality - very fast shipment - recommended seller !!!
Ordered 7 separate items, on the same day, from 6 vendors. This is 2 of 5 items, from 4 vendors, shipped together in one package. NO TRACKING NUMBER OR SHIPPING NOTIFICATION SENT. Tracking data says it was delivered 3 days ago on the 3rd, but I did not get shipment until today, the 6th. For a total of $12.45 in shipping cost better shipping time and notification would be better. Programmable Remote(s) Comments: English descriptions and instructions needs better work. Both Products a bit of a pain to program at first. Both remotes received, my mom's, senior citizen test of approval. She likes both. Improving the Remotes with existing TV codes so they can double as original remotes, so you don't need an original remote to program the units, would make for a better selling point.