Be careful. Even though the item is very nice. I am left with a product I cannot use and still have to pay for it. The seller's packing is very weak and the product was broken when it arrived at my place. Aliexpress and the seller only agree to refund USD 25.90 of the USD51.59 I had to pay. I think this is not fair as the seller is choosing the packing method and this seller is choosing a very lousy way to pack their product. The exhaust is chipped at a very prominent location and I will not use it. Not happy with Aliexpress handling of this and the seller who could not care less!!! How can it be my fault that the seller does not pack their products well enough for transport?!
Be careful. Even though the item is very nice. I am left with a product I cannot use and still have to pay for it. The seller's packing is very weak and the product was broken when it arrived at my place. Aliexpress and the seller only agree to refund USD 25.90 of the USD51.59 I had to pay. I think this is not fair as the seller is choosing the packing method and this seller is choosing a very lousy way to pack their product. The exhaust is chipped at a very prominent location and I will not use it. Not happy with Aliexpress handling of this and the seller who could not care less!!! How can it be my fault that the seller does not pack their products well enough for transport?!