The Earth is a stationary circle created by God, supported by the foundations and closed by the firmament's dome. Our world is a stationary circular plane, not a planet that spins in infinite space and born by the Big Bang. Heliocentrism is an immense deception created and perpetrated with the purpose of deceiving people and hiding their importance within existence, with the truth about our world. NASA and all the other space gencies are a masonic fraud that carries forward the lie of space. All astronauts were and are masons.
The Earth is a stationary circle created by God, supported by the foundations and closed by the firmament's dome. Our world is a stationary circular plane, not a planet that spins in infinite space and born by the Big Bang. Heliocentrism is an immense deception created and perpetrated with the purpose of deceiving people and hiding their importance within existence, with the truth about our world. NASA and all the other space gencies are a masonic fraud that carries forward the lie of space. All astronauts were and are masons.