The goods arrived in 30 days. Thankfully the seller was responsive and helpful. Thanks to the seller the package was marked 10$ so just got taxed just a small amount of 22 TRY. The product matches with the photos above and physically it was in good condition. There also was a short 6gb/s SATA cable and 4 screws for you to mount it onto your case. When I first attached to my PC it wasn't visible on Windows, and then I realized I had to create a new partition on the harddisk in order to use it. After doing all this the harddisk was usable.Afterwards I ran 'Crystal Disk Info' and the results were completely satisfying. The harddisk seeps to boot up just 3 times and it wasnt even used for a singe hour! Unfortuneatly I coundnt tak pictures of the harddisk itself because I dont have phone or a camera, but I will leave the screenshot of both "Disk Management" and "Crystal Dsik Info Results" (which is the most important). TL;DR: Amaizing product! Not used at all. Defineatly recommend!