Great quality jets, these will be used in Zenith 40 TIN carb, only problem was the thread pitch is .75mm and the main air jet thread pitch in the Zenith 40 TIN is 1mm. I was able to recut the thread on a 6mm x 1mm tap because of the soft brass and it worked perfect. You can see the 0.75mm thread as compared to the newly recut 1mm thread in the pic. One thing that can be done better is the etching of the jet size could be printed on top of the head of the jet so that size could be reference at a glance without having to remove it as well as larger font as compared to in the pic
Great quality jets, these will be used in Zenith 40 TIN carb, only problem was the thread pitch is .75mm and the main air jet thread pitch in the Zenith 40 TIN is 1mm. I was able to recut the thread on a 6mm x 1mm tap because of the soft brass and it worked perfect. You can see the 0.75mm thread as compared to the newly recut 1mm thread in the pic. One thing that can be done better is the etching of the jet size could be printed on top of the head of the jet so that size could be reference at a glance without having to remove it as well as larger font as compared to in the pic