Wonderful product and as described by the seller. It came very well packed as can be seen in the pictures. Ordered on Dec 11, received on Dec 29, so very fast for this period. A+ for the seller. Now a small story why I said "Wonderful". I have ordered (Nov 28, 2018) and received in the past a battery LOSONCOER for my Samsung Galaxy S5 mini. I did not used it for a while since my original battery was still good enough. But on Oct-Nov 2020, I decided to use it since the original one was clearly dying. And surprise: the LOSONCOER battery was crap: phone was shutting down as soon as I was trying to answer a call or work anything on the phone. But the phone was working ok with that battery IF I was using in the same time an external battery. Thus, most probably the LOSONCOER was a fake and crappy one which would not give a good and necessary amperage! So, stay away from LOSONCOER batteries! Now, my phone is working as in his good days with this new product and I am thankful for it.
Product as described, very satisfied with the battery quality. Original product, much better then replacement batteries.