Memory module PC3 (voltage 1.5V) is indicated in the specification. The product was arrival PC3L format (voltage 1.35V). But item work successfully for me. Earlier I ordered another product from this seller PC3L (voltage 1.35V) (, but it did not work for me. I returned the goods, the seller returned the money. My motherboard supports only PC3 (voltage 1.5V), but this PC3L (voltage 1.35V) works well.
Memory module PC3 (voltage 1.5V) is indicated in the specification. The product was arrival PC3L format (voltage 1.35V). But item work successfully for me. Earlier I ordered another product from this seller PC3L (voltage 1.35V) (, but it did not work for me. I returned the goods, the seller returned the money. My motherboard supports only PC3 (voltage 1.5V), but this PC3L (voltage 1.35V) works well.