Few hiccups in the beginning with the delivery but after contacting the seller the product arrived in exactly 3 days. I had to pay though some DHL fees which I was expecting. The box is very performant (has speed and stability) connected right away to the 5G Wi-Fi and with the metal cover feels very solid. Doesn't heat at all, like I've read about other models The remote control is very handy with gyro, voice and back lights I am very happy with this buy and I strongly recommend this store
Few hiccups in the beginning with the delivery but after contacting the seller the product arrived in exactly 3 days. I had to pay though some DHL fees which I was expecting. The box is very performant (has speed and stability) connected right away to the 5G Wi-Fi and with the metal cover feels very solid. Doesn't heat at all, like I've read about other models The remote control is very handy with gyro, voice and back lights I am very happy with this buy and I strongly recommend this store